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I'm workimg with ubuntu 13.04 64bits
I download the trial: OrmDesigner2-
Descompress and when I try to run OrmDesigner2 gives me a segment violation.
So I did what says in the instalation documento:
wget http://www.orm-designer.com/download/ormd/wget/setup-orm-designer.exe
and then
wine ./OrmDesignerCore_setup_243.exe
and again gives me an error: wrong .EXE format
Can Anybody help me? what can I do ? I want to try ORMD.

in Solved by (150 points)
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1 Answer

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the document you found is obsolote (it was for original ORMD v1). ORM Designer now works correctly on Ubuntu without wine emulation.

It's strange that you're getting segmen violation error. Could you please try to re-download ORM Designer if you don't have an error in zip package?

If re-download doesn't help, could you please try to download some of the older versions? For example version

Please let me know if some of this advices help you.

by Skipper developer (141k points)
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I tried version on clean Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bit installation and everything works fine. Did you see any more info about segmentation failure?

ORM Designer on Ubuntu 64-bit